Reconstruction procedure consists of processors, which constitute processor chain. Each processor is characterised by it's place in reconstruction chain, name and some additional information, taken from processor description file (logical name - BEC$PROC_DB). All processors are called from DSPROC subroutine, which determiner the necessary components and their order. In processors list file (logical name - BEC$PROC) all processors are listed in order correspondent to the DSPROC subroutine. Information from processor list file (BEC$PROC) is used for creation correct ZEBRA structure with information, extracted from processor description file (BEC$PROC_DB).
Description of processors (G. Borisov)
Описание процессоров
Подпрограммы для работы с ZEBRA структурами, созданными для реконструкции
Internals and Data of software (G. Borisov)
Структура и содержимое банков (Е.Власов)
For the moment all the production software and and data are
situated in DISK$BECOFL:[BEC.PROD] directory.
Main structure is:
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Comments to: IKostyuhina@